The Secret To Happiness

Emma had kept her secret for so long, letting it grow in her heart. But the secret was so big, she knew she couldn’t keep it inside much longer. She wanted to show people how beautiful it was, like heaven on earth, but she wasn’t sure how.
At first, she noticed the secret trying to get out when she began smiling at everyone, and they smiled back. Oh, that felt good. So, she did it some more. Then she saw her secret working its way out when she talked to people at the grocery store, on the school playground, or in the neighborhood. She’d say simple things to them like, “Nice weather,” or, “What a cute baby,” or, “Where’d you get those cool shoes?” And they would answer with a simple, “Yes it is,” or, “Thank you,” or, “At Penney’s. They’re real comfortable too.” She found that being friendly to others made them friendly to her.
Next, she tried telling some of her best jokes to someone she thought might need a good laugh. Then, she would get to laugh along with them. And she made and sent cards to people she thought might enjoy some mail. These were things she’d appreciate from others herself.
Then, she’d use her imagination to pretend to be a bird, flitting on her tiptoes down the sidewalk, singing happy songs. She liked the way the breeze brushed against her body. Next, she tried being a puppy and explored the walking trail in the city park, looking under bushes and growling at squirrels.
She would write silly stories in her notebook and paint watercolor pictures on a tablet to make herself smile. Then, she would neatly tear them out and give them to her friends.
Her secret was getting out. She was sharing her happiness with others. At first, she was a little afraid she might run out of good feelings for herself, but what she soon discovered was it was quickly being refilled as others shared their happiness with her.


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